Message Stream Driver

We’ve just released a new AggreGate device driver that enables to monitor any ASCII data coming via a Serial port or a TCP/UDP connection.

Suppose we have a device that sends an ASCII data stream. Let it be a remote GPS receiver connected via TCP 1001 port, which will be sending us its coordinates once per second. Each string ends with a newline character '\n'.

Using the driver is extremely easy.

Create a Message Stream device, configure it:

Message stream Now you can access values coming in each line via device properties:

Device configuration

Tibbo at The Knowledge Olympic Games SENAI-SC 15

AggreGate was introduced at the biggest Professional Education knowledge competition in America, The Knowledge Olympic Games ‪SENAI‬-SC 15.

Up to 100 students of ‪‎Industrial Automation‬, PCP, Design and Network & Computing took part of the speech about ‪‎IoT‬ and ‪‎AggreGate Platform‬. It was given two speeches, attending in total 200 qualified spectators, including Students and Professors.

As a result the university coordination of SENAI asked us to present AggreGate to the key professors and staff. They demanded opportunity to use ‪‎Tibbo‬ products to help students develop their innovation projects at university.

Now dashboards can be built and edited on-the-fly!

Previously it required such actions as opening dashboard features, changing configuration of certain elements, saving changes, reopening the same panel, etc.

From now on a dashboard user can open it in a thick client and edit live: drag-n-drop elements, change their location, size and other options.

A new dashboard editor in AggreGate

For more information on AggreGate Platform features please visit our website or try getting a trial version from the Downloads section.