Java Monitoring and Management

Java JVM Monitoring System Check our new Java Monitoring and Management article and learn more about how AggreGate Network Manager enables JVM monitoring and Java performance monitoring for application servers and applications via Java Management Extensions (JMX) technology.

You can also try our free 10-devices java monitoring tool by downloading it here.

Tibbo OPC server

We've just released a new OLE for Process Control (OPC) server that enables any OPC clients to get data from AggreGate's unified data model, as well as any underlying devices and data sources. Any OPC compliant application such as a process historian, an ERP/MES system or a reporting tool, can read or write to all data points that are available within AggreGate Server.

Tibbo AggreGate OPC server configurator Tibbo AggreGate OPC server

You can try the OPC Server by getting it from our Download section. Don’t forget that any your feedback is much appreciated. Mail us to