Tibbo Systems partner network includes over 200 partners in more than 50 countries around the world: Gazprom, Megafon, VympelCom, Pony Express, Rusagro, Sibur, McDonalds, Wipro and many more. The company can boast over 1000 deployment cases in various industries: agriculture, manufacturing, energy, oil and gas, telecoms, smart cities, transportation, finance and insurance, healthcare. Today more than a million devices on the planet are managed by AggreGate.
We went through our completed projects and implemented AggreGate IoT Platform based solutions to choose the most interesting ones.
Now we’re happy to set up a series of best IoT-cases overviews, so that you can further learn about our system potential and choose a suitable solution for your business.
The first use case to share tells about the project for Flexenclosure company (Sweden). Central monitoring was successfully implemented to manage power systems of base cellular stations. This secured stable operation of thousands of telecom facilities on most continents and optimized full-system efficiency.