Micromanufacturing the Future. A New Article by Dmitry Slepov, MD of Tibbo Techology

Check a new article by Dmitry Slepov, Managing Director of Tibbo Technology Inc.

Опубликовано AggreGate IoT Integration Platform 4 апреля 2016 г.

Tibbo AggreGate ‪‎IoT‬ Platform Concept – a New Article by Victor Polyakov

Tibbo AggreGate ‪‎IoT‬ Platform Concept What's inside the ‪Internet of Things‬?

The Internet evolution has achieved the level when it is simply here for us at all times. We don’t even think of how we connect to a network, nor analyze the connection technical details, as well as we don’t care about who our communications service provider is. All-round Wi-Fi penetration and gradual IPv6 extension enable thousands of simple devices and trackers to interoperate continuously and send data “to the cloud”. Fast infrastructure advancement resulted in substituting the older Machine-to-Machine (M2M) term for more up-to-date Internet of Things (IoT) one.

Check a new article Tibbo AggreGate ‪‎IoT‬ Platform Concept by Victor Polyakov, CEO of Tibbo Systems.